Come Nest With Me!

Hi, I am Myrtle, wife and mother of four beautiful, hilarious… at times challenging children. My issue? they are not children anymore…

My two youngest (identical twin girls) left for university in September and I found myself constantly being checked on by friends. ‘Are you alright…?’ ‘Are you depressed…?’ ‘You must really miss them…’ ‘The house must be so empty without them…’ ‘I’m sure you just don’t know what to do with yourself…’

To be perfectly honest… I am absolutely fine. But it occurred to me, that a lot of women and a number of men, struggle once their children have grown up. They struggle with their relationships, they struggle with their identity,ย ย they struggle with their role as the primary carer and they struggle with the feeling of emptiness in the home and the void left behind.

Last night I had dinner with my 52 year old friend who told me that her son described her as ‘old and redundant!’ Can you believe that? At the ripe ‘old’ age of 52!!!

So I have decided to invite you guys to join me on my journey as I try to navigate this new found freedom. Empty Nest Syndrome has always been associated with negative connotations, but together I think we can rewrite the rules and change this period in our lives. We should see it as an opportunity to do all the things we have always wanted to do. Start that business you have always wanted to start, live that dream you put on hold, read that book– write that book you’ve always wanted to write!! You have the opportunity to start over. That freedom is a wonderful thing!

In addition, we can challenge ourselves and dare to do new things. Together we can make ‘Empty Nesting’ a positive experience… Women are usually the primary carer of the family and the home, and some of us have given up careers to take care of our families. Now that the children have flown the nest, let us use our skills and talents to do something positive, something our children, our husbands or significant other, will be proud of.

As ‘Empty Nesters’ we can support and motivate each other. I am absolutely sure that if we really engage with each other, we can collaborate and discover lots of new and exciting opportunities.

You are not alone! together we are stronger and together we can change the status quo if we challenge ourselves. Be that change you want to see!!

Welcome to the first edition of Empty Nest Together and I would like to invite you to nest with me. I hope we will be able to share our hopes, dreams and successes and our disappointments too. ย But most of all, I hope we will be able to support and motivate each other.

4 thoughts on “Come Nest With Me!

  1. Hi Myrtle, I’ve enjoyed the visit to your blog. Great Posts! Wow! I love identical twins and have three sets as cousins. They played a lot of pranks when they were much younger. Was that the case with your daughters in their younger days? Looking forward to reading more of your posts. Cheers! ๐Ÿ™‚


      1. My pleasure! I really love the idea of twins… Haha! I’m glad you found something interesting on my blog. Hooked now to yours, lets share knowledge. Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚


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